Samten Hills Dalat, a sacred highland located among majestic and immense mountains. A gathering place of the energy which emanates from the sacred forms constructed by Buddhist practioners from the Buddha’s homeland. The architecture of Samten Hills Dalat was inspired by the sacred Buddhist lands of the snowcapped Himalayas. One of the most unique set […]
Get to the airport early, you can always kill an hour.Check in your luggage, it’s a cheap add on.Just carry on one item – more we have, more we can lose.Don’t stuff your backpack to the gills, leave room for purchases and easy manoeuvring.Go through security and Immigration as soon as possible, there are fewer […]
CHỈ CÒN 3 NGÀY NỮA, CHUỖI SỰ KIỆN KHÁNH THÀNH KHU THAM QUAN DU LỊCH VĂN HÓA TÂM LINH SAMTEN HILLS DALAT SẼ CHÍNH THỨC BẮT ĐẦU!!! ĐĂNG KÝ TRƯỚC 48H NGÀY THAM DỰ ĐỂ: ☑️ Miễn phí tham dự sự kiện & tham quan trải nghiệm;☑️ Miễn phí bữa trưa (món chay) & nước […]
samtenhilldalat, samtenhill don duong, le khanh thanh samten hill dalat don duong